Webinar Description

The Webinar held on Sunaday 09 August 2020 with more than 40 attendees via skyroom, which gave technical information about the ESTD company, and RETINA Simulation (Black oil and compositional sections).

Webinar Ouline

Section 1: Technical

  1. Reservoir core data analysis
    - Accuracy
    - Stability
    - Condition of the Problem
  2. Ordinary Differential Equations
  3. Partial Differential Equations
    - Finite Difference Method
    - Finite Volume Method
    - Finite Element Method
  4. Linear Systems
  5. RETINA Simulation Technology
  6. RETINA Simulation Models
    - Grid and Geometry
    - Rock and Fluid Modeling
    - Dual Modeling
    - Aquifer Modeling
    - Reservoir Initialization
    - Well Modeling
  7. RETINA Solver

Section 2: Using RETINA Simulation

  1. Introducing Main Components of RETINA Simulation View
    - Project Actions
    - Program Standard Toolbar
    - 3D View Toolbar
    - Data Toolbar
    - Data Panel
  2. Using Data Toolbar
    - Geometry and Grid Data Tab
    - Reservoir Data Tab
    - Scheduling Data Tab
    - Numerical Data Tab
    - Scheduling Data Tab
  3. Using 3D Toolbar
  4. Using Program Standard Toolbar
  5. Creating a Case Study

Section 3: How to request RETINA Simulation™ License